Registration Information for the 2024-2025 Season
U18 is currently SOLD OUT. We do have room for U18 Goalies. We are offering a waitlist for skaters, and if enough players sign up for the waitlist we may add more teams. So the sooner you sign for the waitlist, the sooner we can confirm more teams!
U7, U9 and U13 is also SOLD OUT. There are only a handful of spaces in Hockey School (U6), U11 and U15, so register soon before these divisions sell out as well!
Returning players can
Click Here To Register Now! If you are new to Dofasco Minor Hockey and wish to join our league, please scroll below for instructions.
2024-2025 Registration Fees. All Fees Include HST
Division (Birth Year)
Employee Fee
Associate Fee
Hockey School U5, U6
(2019 - 2020)
U7 (2018, 2019)
U9 (2016-2017)
U11 (2014-2015)
U13 (2012-2013)
U15 (2010-2011)
U18 (2007-2009)
*If your child was born in 2019, please see the Hockey School menu item to help determine if you should register your child in Hockey School or U7
How to Register at Dofasco Minor Hockey for the 2024-2025 Season
All Canadian Minor Hockey registrations, player profiles and payments are managed using the Hockey Canada Registration (HCR) Spordle web site.
If Your Child is Returning To Play at DMHL for the 2024-2025 season
Please follow this link to the Hockey Canada Registration website, and log in with your email and password to complete the registration and payment for the 2024-2025 season. Click Here To Register Now!
If Your Child is Transferring To DMHL for 2024-2025 from another minor hockey association
Please send an email to the DMHL Registrar - r[email protected] to request a TRANSFER / SHARE. The registrar will initiate the transfer / share and email you back when complete. You can then visit the Hockey Canada Registration (HCR) website for DMHL to complete your registration and payment for the 2024-2025 season, or Click This Link
If Your Child has Never Played Minor Hockey in the past.
If your child has never played minor hockey in Canada, (including the Initiation Program), your child will first need to be assigned a Hockey Canada Registration (HCR) Profile and Number.
Step 1 – Apply for an HCR Number for your Child
a) Please fill out and submit the New To Hockey - HCR Number Request Form. Ensure all information is entered correctly, and upload a scanned copy of your child’s Birth Certificate. This form is also located in the Registration Menu
b) Once submitted, our Registrar will process your request and reply back to your email address with your child’s new HCR number within 7 days.
*Please Note that Hockey Canada requires you to upload your child’s birth certificate and Proof of Address in order to complete the registration. A Proof of Address document could be a Utility bill of a parent that the child lives with, for example.
Step 2 – Add Your Child to your Hockey Canada Registration (HCR) account.
Once our registrar replies with your child’s new HCR Number, You will need to visit the Hockey Canada Registration website to log into ( or create) your account to complete the registration and payment
a) Go to: https://register.hockeycanada.ca/home
b) Click LOGIN at the top right. If you do not have any other children that have been previously registered in minor hockey then you need to create a new account.
c) Once logged in, go to My Account (click on the circle with person in it…at the top right)
d) Within your account, on the left-hand side select Members.
e) You should see a circle with your initials in it and an icon to the left – “person with a plus sign”. This allows you to “Add a member”. Note if you have other children registered, you should see them as well.
f) Click on this icon and fill in the information required:
· Your child’s name and birth date
· Or, the HCR number we provided
Step 3 - Once your child has been added to your profile, on the HCR Portal you can search for Dofasco Minor Hockey (DMHL), Click This Link to complete the registration
Payment Information
When registering on-line, you have the option of paying with your credit card or interact E-Transfer. If you chose to pay with E-Transfer, you must forward payment to our treasurer ([email protected]) within 3 days or risk having your registration cancelled. To use "sport assistance" funding, select the E-transfer method during registration and then contact the Treasurer. If you do not have a credit card or are unable to pay for your registration immediately you must contact the president to make alternative arrangements.
Please DO NOT contact the Rec Park with registration questions regarding the DMHL 2024-2025 Hockey Season. For any inquiries please contact the Division Convener
Respect in Sport - Parent Course
One parent/guardian of each player born in 2007 or later must complete this online course. It must be completed before November 1 or we will be unable to roster your player to a team. For more information and the course link, please see the Parents menu option.
To obtain a refund, you must complete a Refund Request Form. Requests that do not include the Refund Request Form will not be processed.
1. In the event of a late registration the fee will not be prorated
2. A $75 non-refundable fee will be levied on all refunds
3. Refund Schedule - Non Goalies
1. 75% refund after September 30
2. 50% refund after October 31
3. 25% refund after November 30
4. 0% refund after December 31
4. Refund Schedule - Goalies *
1. $150 Charge until November 30. (Goalie Fee - $150 = refund)
2. %25 refund after November 30
3. 0% refund after December 31
5. Refunds can be modified on a case by case basis by the Steering Committee.
* We need goaltenders to play this game. Therefore, we are offering a reduced registration rate. However, we do not want people simply using DMHL as a temporary place until, perhaps, the potential for playing Rep Hockey is sorted out. As such, we have a higher cancellation policy for goalies.
Need Help or Have Questions?
Please visit the Registration FAQ, or contact the Registrar at [email protected]
For all divisions (U6 /Hockey School), U7, U9, U11, U13, U15 & U18) Please refer to THIS video series for assistance with using the Hockey Canada registration site.
Please DO NOT contact the Rec Park with registration questions.