You may be asked to sign a number of waivers (Including the LiveStream Waiver). There are 2 options to complete this task.
Option A - Download Waiver, and send email to registrar
Step 1) Download this waiver document below, and attach this document to an email to our registrar. You do not need to fill in the actual waiver - just include the document in the email
[email protected]
Step 2) In the email message body, please write this:
"I Consent"
Write Your Name
Write your child's / children's name(s)
Step 3) Send the email to
[email protected]
Option B -Using HCR Spordle to sign waivers
Please follow the instructions below to help you sign these on HCR Spordle. The diagrams below are the Desktop computer version of Spordle, but the Mobile version looks similar.
Step 1) Log into Hockey Canada Registry Spordle Website with your username and password
Step 2) After you log in, you will likely see something similar to this.
(You may see another Organization, like Glanbrook or Hamilton Steel, instead of DOFASCO. Click the VIEW PAGE button. This is because your child's Primary Organization is that association - its based on Residential Address)
Click the TO DO option on the left side
Step 2) You may see Missing Required Information. Click this.
Step 3) You may see Mandatory Waivers Need to be signed. Click SIGN NOW
Step 4) Sign all the waivers that appear. Be sure to click SAVE