Coach Information (Dofasco Minor Hockey)


PrintCoach Information

2025-2026 Season

Thank you for your interest in becoming a House League Coaching Volunteer at Dofasco Minor Hockey!   Without our volunteers our league would not be possible. 

We encourage all to apply if interested.  One Head Coach, one assistant and one Trainer will be assigned to each team.  We will be contacting our volunteers as the season opener gets closer to remind you to obtain any necessary certificates and training, as well as information that you will need to know for the upcoming season. 

Click Here To Open The DMHL House League Coaching Application Form.   
Note this is a Google Form that will open a new window

Requirements and Certifications

Volunteers must obtain the necessary training and certifications for the position they intend to volunteer for, as required by the Alliance Hockey Association of Ontario and Hockey Canada.   We recommend, that if not done yet, you obtain these qualifications well before the season starts in mid September.

If you are unsure or had forgotten any of your certifications or checks, log into your HCR Account to review your Qualifications and Background Checks in your profile.  All costs incurred in obtaining the required certifications are reimbursed 100%.  Note that some of these courses are free of charge

Click Here To View The Alliance Hockey Coaching Certificate Requirements for 2025-2026

Volunteer Role

(Police) Check

Respect in Sport
Activity Leader

Gender Identity
and Expression

Coach Skills -  Checking   Coach 1 Coach 2   Development Stream HTCP Level 1Trainer

Head Coach - House League U7 & U9

Head Coach - House League U11 and Up          

Head Coach - Select


Assistant Coach





Police Check (Vulnerable Sector Check) 
Each volunteer must obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC).   Starting in 2024-2025, all volunteers must submit their  VSC document into HCR Spordle.   Please Click Here to follow the instructions to upload your VSC document.  Coaches / Trainers who do not upload their document cannot be rostered to a team.

If you live in the City of Hamilton,   Click Here To Visit the Hamilton Police Website for more information on obtaining a VS Check.  If you live outside of the City of Hamilton, please visit the police service website of your local jurisdiction.   

Required Qualifications and Course Links

The following courses need to be completed to qualify for the coaching position you are assigned to.  Please see the chart above to for guidance.

Gender Identity And Expression Training. 
This is require for any volunteer coaching or trainer position. This course is free.
Click Here for the link to the Hockey Canada Gender Identity and Expression Training
Respect In Sport – Activity Leader
This is required for any volunteer coaching or trainer position.  Note that if you have already done a Respect In Sport Activity leader course for coaching at another minor sports organization, then you can upload your certificate.
Click Here For The Link to the Alliance Web Site for Respect In Sport Activity Leader.  

Hockey Canada Skills - Checking
This course is required to become a Head Coach for U11 and above.  Click Here To Go To Hockey Canada's Course Site

Hockey Canada - Coach 1
This course is required to become a Head Coach for U7 and U9.  Click Here to go to Hockey Canada's Course Site

Hockey Canada - Coach 2
This course is required to become a Head Coach for U11 and above. Click Here to go to Hockey Canada's Course Site

Trainer - HTCP Level 1
Each Team is required to have a Trainer assigned.  The HTCP Level 1 program is the introductory level of the program which introduces the participant to the principles of injury and risk management.
If you wish to be certified as a Trainer,  Click here to register for the HTCP Level 1 Trainer Course
Note that Recertification is required every 3 years. 
Click Here For more information on this Course, and other Trainer information

All waives under your coaching profile on HCR Spordle must be signed, including the Rowan's Law Waiver

Coaching FAQ

I would like to be a coach or assistant, but I’ve never played Organized Hockey Before, can I still coach or volunteer?
Yes you can.  However, you are required to be a confident skater, and have good hockey knowledge in order to demonstrate basic skills during practice and explain the rules and strategies to our players.   Please note that in our U7 and U9 programs, you will be helping and teaching many of our players with the basics of skating and may require a high amount of interaction.

I am not a good skater, can I be a Trainer instead?
Yes, however you need to be comfortable walking on the ice to attend to injured players, and therefore you require good balance. 

I have children in multiple age divisions.  Can I coach in each?
Yes, if there is a shortage of coaches.  If there is an excess of volunteers in a division, and you have already been assigned a position in another division, we do ask that the others are given a chance to coach first.   We do also recommend that if you are a head coach for one team, that we are not the head coach in the other age division if possible (rather, be an assistant coach).

How can I find my current certification and qualification status, and / or I can’t remember when I submitted my Vulnerable Sector Check?
Most of your coaching and other certifications are located in your Hockey Canada (HCR) profile.  Click Here to log into your HCR Account   Under the Members Tab, select your profile, and then select the Qualifications and / or Background Check tabs to review your certifications and qualifications.  If you do not see your VS Check information,  then the Rec park did not have it on file last year, and you may have to supply a new document.

I want to be only an Assistant Coach, should I still get all Head Coach Certifications?
Yes we recommend this, but its not mandatory.  Note that there must be a certificated Head Coach on the bench for each team and for practices, so if your Head Coach is away, you can fill in as Relief Head Coach

I have a child who is over 15 years old that wants to volunteer as an On Ice Helper.  Can they volunteer here?
Yes.  If your older child is looking to obtain volunteer hours, or just wants to volunteer as an On Ice Helper during practice, then please email the convenor of the division they wish to volunteer for more information

If you have any other questions about becoming part of the coaching staff or other volunteer opportunities,  send us an email!   [email protected]