Vulnerable Sector Checks (Dofasco Minor Hockey)


PrintVulnerable Sector Checks

Attention all DMHL Coaches, Trainers and other Volunteers for the 2024-2025 Season

Starting this 2024-2025 season, the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) requires that all coaches, trainers and other volunteers upload a copy of their Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC)  aka Police Checks to their HCR Spordle Account.  Previously, DMHL uploaded the expiry dates on the volunteer’s behalf.  DMHL (and all Hockey Associations) are no longer able to do this on your behalf – You the volunteer must now upload your own documents.  

Scroll to the bottom of this page to view the DMHL FAQ

DMHL Specific Steps

Step 1.   Get an electronic copy of your VSC in PDF Format

IMPORTANT:  You need to ensure the copy of your VSC is in a PDF format.  All other photo formats are not accepted by the OHF

-If you do not have a copy of your VSC with you, you can email the Rec Park Main Office if you have submitted it there during the last 2 seasons.   Send an email to the Rec Park Staff below, and include your full legal name, and your Date Of Birth (for security purposes).   

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

-VSC documents are valid for 3 years.   Ensure that the valid date (date approved) on the VSC document is after January 2022.   If your valid date is before this date, then it will be considered EXPIRED.   If your VSC is Expired, or you are new to coaching, you will need to obtain one from your local police service.  For Hamilton and area residents, CLICK HERE.
Some Police services will require a request form, so please submit this form when applying:

Step 2.  – Upload your VSC document to HCR Spordle, and sign the online Declaration Forms

Note:  the VSC document MUST BE IN A PDF format.   JPGs or other photo formats are not accepted by the OHF

Before starting the upload process, Log into HCR Spordle and get your HCR number.
To Begin the upload process, click the link below.  It will go through a “Registration” process.  You will also be asked to sign the online declaration form.

You will receive an email from the OHF within 1 week if your VSC has been accepted.For further help, follow these instructions:

Step 3 – Submit your new VSC copy to the Rec Park Office

If you had to get a new VSC this year, please drop a copy off at the Rec Park Office the next time you are at the Rec Park.


Please Click Here to visit the OHF website for a complete list of details on these requirements:

What is a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)?

A VSC (aka Police Check) is a document that is obtained from your local police service that outlines any convictions that may disqualify an individual from taking part in a volunteer position that involves minors (children).  All Minor Hockey Organizations in Canada require this document.

A VSC is valid for 3 YEARS.   Therefore, you must apply for a new VSC check from your local police service every 3 years.   (ie if your last VSC check was before January 2022, then you must obtain a new VSC check to coach the 2024-2025 season)

If you live in the City of Hamilton,  Click Here To Visit the Hamilton Police Website for more information on obtaining a VS Check.  If you live outside of the City of Hamilton, please visit the police service website of your local jurisdiction.   

What happens if I do not upload a VSC document to my HCR Spordle Profile?

If you do not upload these documents, then as per the OHF policy, DMHL won’t be able to officially add you to the Hockey Canada roster.   If you are not on the roster then you cannot be on the bench for games, tournaments etc, and therefore you will not be able to continue to be involved as a volunteer

How long does it take to get a VSC from the police service?

In Hamilton, expect a minimum of 30 days, and it will take more if the police service requires fingerprints.  Therefore, go early to get one!

When is the DMHL deadline to get a VSC uploaded?

DMHL will require a VSC to be uploaded by November 1 so that we can ensure our teams / rosters are set with the appropriate number of bench staff.

I have a VSC for another volunteer position or for my place of employment.  Can I use this?

Unfortunately, NO.  According to the OHF: “… individual checks must be done for each organization or workplace”

I have an offense that may show up on my VSC check.   Will this disqualify me?

Please see the OHF FAQ

Do I still need to submit a copy of my VSC to the Dofasco Rec Park

Yes.  Please submit a copy to the Dofasco Rec Park office after you uploaded it to your HCR Spordle Profile.  It is the policy of ArcelorMittal Dofasco that all volunteers for minor programs still submit their copies

I’m having difficulty with Uploading the VSC documents to Spordle. What do I do

You can review the help documents and videos

If you have still having difficulty, then please send an email to the registrar, and we can assist you